Atlantic Dolphin Bay

Day Activities
  • Welcome at Lisbon airport at around 2 p.m.
  • Introduction to and distribution of the horses in our farm, which is at mountain “Serra do Louro”, 5 minutes from the Castle of Palmela.
  • 3h Horse ride at mountain “Serra do Louro”. The route’s vegetation consists of Mediterranean maquis, olive trees, cork tree forests and pastures.
  • Dinner at the fishing town of Setúbal at a typical restaurant in the fisherman’s port with dolphin creative sculptures: . The 7 days “Dolphin Bay Trail” program will be introduced to the horse riders during this dinner.
  • Breakfast at the Castle of Palmela.
  • Lunch on the “Quinta do Alcube” farm ( is in the middle of this tour. This historic farmhouse has traces of the Neolithic, the Roman period and the foundation of Portugal (XII century). Nowadays, it is famous for its wine and cheese. A light lunch is served with regional specialties and wine tasting of the wines from the farm.
  • Dinner and sleep at the historic hotel of Palmela Castle.
  • Breakfast at the Castle of Palmela.
  • Head to a cork oak wood farm of Grândola mountain where we will sleep: .
  • Back again to the horses, the same of previous days, and ride about 2,5h in cork oak woods of Grandola mountain.
  • Return to farm touristic house where it’s possible to refresh at its large swimming pool.
  • Dinner and sleep at this lodge: Sobreiras Country Hotel.
  • Breakfast at the lodge.
  • Horseback ride across Grandola mountain on the way to the seaside. The morning will be mainly following the stream of this mountain, riding by the shadows of cork oak woods.
  • Picnic lunch at a shadow close to the mountain stream.
  • After lunch ride to the coastal hillside. Here you may enjoy a global view of the « Dolphin Bay », from Arrabida to St. André.
  • Arrival to the new lodge : Pinhal da Coutada ( ). It’s a charming Portuguese lodge in a pine wood of this coastal hillside, not far from Melides traditional village. We will sleep here untill Saturday (3 nights).
  • You may refresh by the sunset at the lodge biological swimming pool.
  • Dinner and sleep at the new lodge: „Pinhal da Coutada“.
  • Breakfast at the lodge – „Pinhal da Coutada“.
  • Today, we ride till the Atlantic beach crossing pine forests and Melides Lagoon. In this lagoon you may see several aquatic bird species, as white stork and ducks.
  • On the way, we will also horseback ride across green rice fields.
  • Lunch at a restaurant facing the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Dinner and sleep at the lodge.
  • Breakfast at the lodge – „Pinhal da Coutada“.
  • Lunch at Santo André Lagoon restaurant close to the beach.
  • The horses will stay at Santo André Lagoon in stables of an equestrian centre.
  • Dinner at Melides traditional village in a typical restaurant on the way back by car to the lodge.
  • Sleep at the lodge.
  • Breakfast at the lodge – „Pinhal da Coutada“.
  • Horseback riding during the morning at Santo André Lagoon Nature Reserve by the dunes, deserted beach and lagoons with aquatic birds.
  • Lunch at Melides traditional village in a typical restaurant.
  • Breakfast at the Castle of Lisbon.
  • Free day (the airport is 20 minutes from the centre of Lisbon by táxi).

Price: 1690€ / person (in a double/twin bedroom)
Minimum and maximum number of people: 4 and 6