The Terra Una project aims to contribute to awakening the feeling of the human being part of the biosphere by focusing on the horse and on our harmonious relationship with this other inhabitant of Earth. The main theme will be the Terra Una Trails: special opportunities to tour Natural Portugal in the company of our old friend.
Terra Una Trails
We have 3 different horse trails, with different durations: one day; an extended weekend (3.5 days) and a week (7 days). In all of these, it is possible to come into contact with a varied and rich wildlife, as well as enjoying quality accommodation.
Terra Una Horses
Our horses – all pure bred Lusitanos – are a result of a selection that aims to breed a group of docile, calm animals. There are 15 in total: eight mares, five castrated males, one stallion and one foal. They are all from two main lineages – Alter Real and Andrade – or a cross between these two.
Natural Horsemanship
The whole process of education and management of the Terra Una horses is done under the concept of Natural Horsemanship, with the purpose of providing a greater relationship between horse and rider. Regarding this friend we have, emphasis is given to a quiet and natural leadership and not an oppressive one.